Step 1

In the first stage, gently wipe off the bulk of the poop from your bum for a thorough clean


Step 1

In the second stage, squirt the foam onto toilet paper and use it to wipe away any remaining residue. If needed, repeat the process. After completing the steps, Royal Behind leaves you feeling fresh and clean


The Benefits

Absolutely, here’s the revised version:

Introducing Royal Behind, a product designed for personal hygiene and comfort. Here are its key benefits:

  1. Hygiene: Royal Behind effectively removes dirt, providing extra care for individuals with haemorrhoids.
  2. Comfort: It helps prevent discomforts like sores and itchiness.
  3. Freshness: Infused with a delightful rose perfume, Royal Behind leaves you feeling fresh.
  4. Natural: Made entirely from organic ingredients, it ensures a gentle and effective clean.
  5. Cruelty-Free: Developed and tested without animal testing.

Experience the difference with Royal Behind - combining hygiene, comfort, and ethics in one package.

Learn More